Welcome to CPP BIDS documentation!

A set of function for matlab and octave to create BIDS-compatible structure and filenames for the output of behavioral, EEG, fMRI, eyetracking experiments.

Output format

Modality agnostic aspect

The files created by this toolbox will always follow the following pattern:


Subjects, session and run number labels will be numbers with zero padding up (default is set to 3, meaning that subject 1 will become sub-001).

The Group name is optional.

A session folder will ALWAYS be created even if not requested (default will be ses-001).

Task labels will be printed in camelCase in the filenames.

Time stamps are added directly in the filename by adding a suffix _date-* (default format is YYYYMMDDHHMM) which makes the file name non-BIDS compliant. This was added to prevent overwriting files in case a certain run needs to be done a second time because of a crash. Some of us are paranoid about keeping even cancelled runs during my experiments. This suffix should be removed to make the data set BIDS compliant. See convertSourceToRaw() for more details.

For example:


Indices and tables